Living Landscapes

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Love sign 65381
369.00 Lei
Love sign 65381
369.00 Lei
Love sign 65381 Dimensions: 2x 25x50 + 2x 25x60 + 1x 25x70 cm Wall seized: 125x 70 cm
Galaxy 2841
235.00 Lei
Galaxy 2841
235.00 Lei
Cosmic landscape 1458 Dimension: 120x40 cm
Abstract 22842
299.00 Lei
Abstract 22842
299.00 Lei
BW gold 22842 Dimension: 120x60 cm
Tiger 20276
475.00 Lei
Tiger 20276
475.00 Lei
Tiger 20276 Dimensions: 2x 30x50 cm - 2x 30x65 cm - 1x 30x80 cm Full: 150x80 cm
butterflies 4436
295.00 Lei
butterflies 4436
295.00 Lei
butterflies 4436 Dimensions: 2x 25x40 - 2x 20x50 - 1x 20x60 Full: 110x60 cm
Horses 6038
325.00 Lei
Horses 6038
325.00 Lei
Horses 6038 Dimensions: 2x 25x35 cm - 2x 25x50 cm - 1x 25x65 cm Full: 125x65 cm
Drop 25358
285.00 Lei
Drop 25358
285.00 Lei
Drop 25358 Dimensions: 2x 25x40- 2x 25x60 cm Full: 100x70 cm
Butterfly 1888
445.00 Lei
Butterfly 1888
445.00 Lei
Butterfly 1888 Dimensions: 2x 30x40 - 2x 30x60 - 1x 30x80 cm Full: 150x 80 cm
Horses 3431
389.00 Lei
Horses 3431
389.00 Lei
Tablou Horses 3431 Dimensions: 2x 30x50 cm - 2x 25x65 cm - 1x 25x80 cm Full: 135x80 cm
Horses 40236
325.00 Lei
Horses 40236
325.00 Lei
Horses 40236 Dimensions: 2x 25x35 cm - 2x 25x50 cm - 1x 25x65 cm Full: 125x65 cm
Abstract forms 32844
299.00 Lei
Abstract forms 32844
299.00 Lei
Abstract forms 32844 Dimensions: 2x 40x25 - 2x 25x60 cm Full: 130x70 cm
art 50758
239.00 Lei
art 50758
239.00 Lei
art 50758 Dimensions: 3x 30x45 cm Wall seized: 90x45 cm
art 51604
239.00 Lei
art 51604
239.00 Lei
art 51604 Dimensions: 3x 30x45 cm Wall seized: 90x45 cm
vase 86054
455.00 Lei
vase 86054
455.00 Lei
vase 86054 Dimensions: 2x 25x60 - 2x 25x70 - 1x 20x80 cm Wall seized: 120x80 cm
fractal 87742
585.00 Lei
fractal 87742
585.00 Lei
fractal 87742 Dimensions: 2x 30x40 - 2x 25x60 - 2x 25x70 - 1x 25x80 cm Wall seized: 185x80 cm
goldies 1863
465.00 Lei
goldies 1863
465.00 Lei
goldies 1863 Dimensions: 1x 40x60 + 1x 50x60 + 1x 70x60 cm Full: 160x 60 cm
tree 1499
345.00 Lei
tree 1499
345.00 Lei
tree 1499 D: 2x 40x65 cm + 1x 30x80 cm T: 110x80 cm
Orchid 10342
325.00 Lei
Orchid 10342
325.00 Lei
Orchid 10342 Dimensions: 2x 30x40 - 2x 30x60 cm Full: 120x70 cm
Tree of life 65321
329.00 Lei
Tree of life 65321
329.00 Lei
Tree of life 65321 Dimensions: 2x 30x40 - 2x 20x50 - 1x 20x60 cm Full seized: 120x60 cm
Sunset 1976
355.00 Lei
Sunset 1976
355.00 Lei
Sunset 1976 Dimensions: 2x 60x30 cm + 2x 25x60 cm Wall seized: 170x70 cm
Abstract 22842
299.00 Lei
Abstract 22842
299.00 Lei
BW gold 22942 Dimension: 120x60 cm
Space 58390
355.00 Lei
Space 58390
355.00 Lei
Space 58390 Dimensions: 2x 35x40 - 2x 25x45 - 1x 25x55 cm Full: 145x55 cm Multicanvas landscape,  5 pieces, volumetric. …
Red rose 4483
389.00 Lei
Red rose 4483
389.00 Lei
Red rose 4483 D: 2x 40x60 cm + 1x 50x90 cm T: 130x90 cm
Two lions 3379
325.00 Lei
Two lions 3379
325.00 Lei
Two lions 3379 Dimensions: 2x 30x45 + 2x 25x55 + 1x 25x65 cm Wall seized: 135x 65 cm
Lights of Europe 2019
365.00 Lei
Lights of Europe 2019
365.00 Lei
Lights of Europe 2019 Dimensions: 2x 30x60 + 2 x 30x80 cm Wall seized: 120x 90 cm
Orchid 45823
325.00 Lei
Orchid 45823
325.00 Lei
Orchid 45823 Dimensions: 2x 30x40 - 2x 30x60 cm Full: 120x70 cm
Abstract 2285
595.00 Lei
Abstract 2285
595.00 Lei
Abstract Fractal 2285 Dimensions: 2x 45x70 - 2x 20x80 - 1x 20x90 cm Full seized: 150x90 cm
Silver drops 6515
399.00 Lei
Silver drops 6515
399.00 Lei
Silver drops 6515 Dimensions: 2x 30x60 + 2x25x70 + 1x 25x90 cm Wall seized: 135x 90 cm
Rose 7 pieces 44757
695.00 Lei
Rose 7 pieces 44757
695.00 Lei
Rose 7 pieces 44757 Dimensions: 2x 25x60 - 2x 25x80 - 2x 25x90 - 1x 25x100 cm Wall seized: 175x100 cm
Sunset 10240
455.00 Lei
Sunset 10240
455.00 Lei
Sunset 10240 D: 2x 35x50 + 2x 25x65 + 1 x 20x80 cm T: 140x80 cm
Horses 4936
325.00 Lei
Horses 4936
325.00 Lei
Horses 4936 Dimensions: 2x 25x35 cm - 2x 25x50 cm - 1x 25x65 cm Full: 125x65 cm
Manhattan 39009
335.00 Lei
Manhattan 39009
335.00 Lei
manhattan 39009 Dimensions: 2x 40x35 cm + 2x 25x70 cm Full: 130x80 cm
Red roses 6566
385.00 Lei
Red roses 6566
385.00 Lei
Red roses 6566 Dimensions: 2x 30x50; 2x 25x60; 1x 25x70 cm Wall seized: 135x70 cm
Abstract tree lila 26443
455.00 Lei
Abstract tree lila 26443
455.00 Lei
Abstract tree lila 26443 Dimensions: 2 x 60x90 cm Wall seized: 120x90 cm
She and He 6622
245.00 Lei
She and He 6622
245.00 Lei
She and He 6622 Dimensions: 2x 50x50 cm Wall seized: 100x50 cm Other formats: 2x 60x60 cm - 120x60 cm sau 2x 70x70 cm - 140x7…
Abstract 3706
475.00 Lei
Abstract 3706
475.00 Lei
abstract 3706 Dimensons: 2x 35x60 - 2x 25x70 - 1x 25x80 cm Full: 145x80 cm
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