Canvas prints

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rose 16366
345.00 Lei
rose 16366
345.00 Lei
rose 16366 D: 2x 40x65 cm + 1x 30x80 cm T: 110x80 cm
art 18371
239.00 Lei
art 18371
239.00 Lei
art 18371 Dimensions: 3x 30x45 cm Wall seized: 90x45 cm
gold blue 22133
209.00 Lei
gold blue 22133
209.00 Lei
gold blue 22133 Dimension: 90x50 cm
colors she-he 22237
325.00 Lei
colors she-he 22237
325.00 Lei
colors she-he 22237 Dimensions  2x 50x70 cm Full : 100x70 cm
flowers 40306
345.00 Lei
flowers 40306
345.00 Lei
flowers 40306 D: 2x 40x65 cm + 1x 30x80 cm T: 110x80 cm
forms heart 17117
189.00 Lei
forms heart 17117
189.00 Lei
forms heart 17117 Dimension: 60x60 cm
fashion gold 2456
199.00 Lei
fashion gold 2456
199.00 Lei
fashion gold 2456 Dimension: 80x50 cm or 100x65 cm , 120x75 cm, 130x80 cm.
gold 11189
209.00 Lei
gold 11189
209.00 Lei
gold 11189 Dimension: 90x50 cm
flower woman 11388
365.00 Lei
flower woman 11388
365.00 Lei
flower woman 11388 Dimensions: 3x 40x60 cm Wall seized: 120x60 cm
colors 88195
229.00 Lei
colors 88195
229.00 Lei
colors 88195 Dimension: 100x45 cm
tree 13119
169.00 Lei
tree 13119
169.00 Lei
tree 13119 Dimension: 70x45 cm
white flowers 88184
229.00 Lei
white flowers 88184
229.00 Lei
white flowers 88184 Dimension: 100x45 cm
turquoise and gold 12108
289.00 Lei
turquoise and gold 12108
289.00 Lei
turquoise and gold 12108 D: 3x 30x60 cm T: 90x60 cm
flowers 17153
209.00 Lei
flowers 17153
209.00 Lei
flowers 17153 Dimension: 90x50 cm
flowers 27117
209.00 Lei
flowers 27117
209.00 Lei
flowers 27117 Dimension: 90x50 cm
rose 16322
345.00 Lei
rose 16322
345.00 Lei
rose 16322 D: 2x 40x65 cm + 1x 30x80 cm T: 110x80 cm
lanscape abstract 21160
219.00 Lei
lanscape abstract 21160
219.00 Lei
lanscape abstract 21160 Dimension:110x40 cm
abstract green 43181
219.00 Lei
abstract green 43181
219.00 Lei
abstract green 43181 Dimension: 90x50 cm
black white lovers 20688
445.00 Lei
black white lovers 20688
445.00 Lei
black white lovers 20688 D: 2x 30x40 - 2x 25x70 - 1x 25x80 cm T: 135x80 cm
cyan 26105
209.00 Lei
cyan 26105
209.00 Lei
cyan 26105 Dimension: 90x50 cm
art 19375
239.00 Lei
art 19375
239.00 Lei
art 19375 Dimensions: 3x 30x45 cm Wall seized: 90x45 cm
waterfalls 25182
219.00 Lei
waterfalls 25182
219.00 Lei
waterfalls 25182 Dimension:110x40 cm
art 18385
249.00 Lei
art 18385
249.00 Lei
art 18385 Dimensions: 3x 30x45 cm Wall seized: 90x45 cm
tree 13229
169.00 Lei
tree 13229
169.00 Lei
tree 13229 Dimension: 70x45 cm
Lovers 4082
345.00 Lei
Lovers 4082
345.00 Lei
Lovers 4082 D: 2x 40x65 cm + 1x 30x80 cm T: 110x80 cm
mountains 54311
279.00 Lei
mountains 54311
279.00 Lei
mountains 54311 D: 3x 30x60 cm T: 90x60 cm
gold 42178
209.00 Lei
gold 42178
209.00 Lei
gold 42178 Dimension: 100x40 cm
art 479162
185.00 Lei
art 479162
185.00 Lei
art 479162 Dimensions: 2x 40x40 cm Wall seized: 80x40 cm Other formats: 2x 60x60 cm - 120x60 cm sau 2x 70x70 cm - 140x70 cm.…
gold 57139
209.00 Lei
gold 57139
209.00 Lei
gold 57139 Dimension: 90x45 cm
gold black 42353
285.00 Lei
gold black 42353
285.00 Lei
gold black 42353 D: 3x 35x50 cm T: 105x50 cm
geometry forms 431186
285.00 Lei
geometry forms 431186
285.00 Lei
geometry forms 431186 D: 3x 35x50 cm T: 105x50 cm
gold beige 41368
285.00 Lei
gold beige 41368
285.00 Lei
gold beige 41368 D: 3x 35x50 cm T: 105x50 cm
art 19337
249.00 Lei
art 19337
249.00 Lei
art 19337 Dimensions: 3x 30x45 cm Wall seized: 90x45 cm
Feng-shui 11106
199.00 Lei
Feng-shui 11106
199.00 Lei
Feng-shui 11106 Dimension: 80x50 cm
flowers 35584
325.00 Lei
flowers 35584
325.00 Lei
flowers 35584 Dimensions: 2x 25x30 + 2x 25x50 + 1x 25x70 cm Wall seized: 125x 70 cm
Lotus flowers 8873
249.00 Lei
Lotus flowers 8873
249.00 Lei
Lotus flowers 8873 D: 3x 60x60 cm T: 60x180 cm
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